OK, there’s a story behind the name, part of which I’m going to share! I really believe that everyone is unique, that everyone has an ability, a talent, an approach, a perspective, whatever it is, that nobody else in the world shares. In our own way, we’re all rockstars!
Rockstars by Melius
Harnessing that special quality and using it to serve our purpose must be a sure-fire way to life fulfilment. And if we can harness that quality in our careers, I believe job satisfaction, progression, enjoyment, growth, compensation, all will follow.
Now, before we get carried away, let’s sprinkle a dash of reality on this piece, particularly given what we’ve all experienced the last 18 months or so. Covid has devasted the global talent market, with millions out of work. In this region alone, I’ve heard estimates that 30% of the workforce left the market due to redundancies. Not very “rockstar”, I know.
Despite that, or perhaps in part because of that, I decided to create the Rockstars by Melius to assist those looking to re-enter the workforce, as well as those facing any tricky career decisions.
How Does It Work?
Open to all, free of charge, the Rockstars by Melius program provides anyone the opportunity to book a 15-min time slot with me to discuss any career-related matter.
For job seekers, that could mean receiving tips on how to write a resume (properly!), reviewing a resume, how to target a job search, how to dissect a job description, how to prepare for an interview, or whether to accept an offer!
For those facing a difficult career choice……well, I can’t promise to always know the best answer, but I can promise to always listen, offer my insights and ask the right questions!
Booking the timeslot is straightforward, and can be done via the Melius Consulting website, here. I look forward to connecting with you.
I guess that leaves only one question. Are you ready to discover your inner rockstar?!